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I /we agree to comply with SAMM rules and agree that the committee and the association are free from all liability.  I/we take full responsibility for the provision of adequate insurance covering me/us for all activities and against all claims as stipulated by law and for my/our own health and safety.  I/we agree to the use of my/our personal details which may be stored electronically and used without prejudice to my/our rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Spanish Data Protection Act

*Individual Membership:   Annual fee:  €30 / Reduced autumn fee from 1st September: €15
*Family Membership:         Annual fee:  €45 / Reduced autumn fee from 1st September: €23

SAMM Bank Details: (Contact if help required)

Caixa Bank: IBAN ES90 2100 8241 1613 0044 2744

*Please send your Membership Fees to this account electronically (please ensure the Reference is your Name) or, pay cash at a SAMM General Meeting, held on the second Wednesday of each month, at Las Claras, Centro Cultural las Claras., Los Narejos – part of Los Alcázares, in Murcia.  Your Fee thereafter should be paid to the Group you have joined who are responsible for collecting their members SAMM fees.
© Sailing Association Mar Menor 2015.

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