After the recently enjoying the successful Sail-Meal-Sail trip with other SAMM members, on June 29th some members of the Balaton Group orgnised sail to the Mar Menor’s Isla Perdiguera for a picnic.

The three Sailfish 18 boats based at Los Narejos (Alcazares) set out at 10.30 with Robert Hudson and Colum McDermott on Vision. Nik Novak and David Shephard on Ginetta and Laura Moir and Julian Pering on Sirocco. In a light breeze from the South East they sailed to the island. Laura a new member with no sailing experience was able to take the helm.
Lavanter, an Araez 22, left her berth in Los Urrutias marina at a similar rime crewed by Jez Clarke and Keith McKintosh. They anchored off the island to the East well offshore to avoid grounding the keel and were ferried in by Ginetta. who had anchored closer to the Island with Sirocco, whilst Vision with her keel raised moored on the West side.

Most people first enjoyed a swim or paddle in the East side bay, but not too close to the shore as that is always an area where weed, flotsam and jetsam gets caught.
On the sail over and in the waters around the Island there were "Fried Egg" jellyfish in abundance. It is hoped that these non-stinging jellies are be a good sign as to the health of the Mar Menor.
After a picnic on the island the team collected all the plastic debris they could find. Thankfully not as much as was collected on a similar day in 2021.
A good sail, on a beam reach, back for the three Sailfish and, although people had taken plenty of drinking water, after a long hot day a large shandy at a beach cafe was more than welcome!