Support Boat
Sailing and Social Group
In 2010 SAMM recognised that there was a need within the organisation for a support boat. The boat was the key to the success of the Racing Program. It has also been involved in the retrieval of the odd dinghy rudder, the placing of swinging moorings and, most importantly, a couple of rescues.
In 2015 this vessel reached the end of its useful life and the members agreed to replace it. After extensive research into the market, the Whaly 435R, a roto-moulded polyethylene Rib design, was identified as being ideal for the various uses the support boat has to cover. This vessel is used extensively by many organisations around the world for patrol and rescue purposes.
The Whaly was ordered from a dealer in Cabo de Palos in November 2015 and delivered mid-December. A small group of SAMM members then fitted out the boat with the engine plus the controls and other equipment necessary.
It was an exciting day when, immediately after the AGM in January 2016, the outgoing and incoming Commodores, watched by a large group of members, jointly launched the Whaly, using a bottle of finest cava to anoint the hull.
The SAMM Social Committee started a ‘100 Club’ to raise money to supplement any profit from the race program and the contributions made by the groups who most use the boat so that a new engine could be obtained. This was achieved in November 2016 with the purchase of a Suzuki DF40A, a 40hp four stroke with remote steering, electric start and power tilt/trim. With regular servicing, the Whaly and its new engine are expected to give many years of reliable and trouble free service.